
This page gives a introduction to RC.

A Simple Example

A minimal cache example looks like this:

from rc import Cache

cache = Cache()
assert cache.set('key', 'value')
assert cache.get('key') == 'value'
assert cache.get('foo') is None
assert cache.set('list', [1])
assert cache.get('list') == [1]

What we are doing here?

  1. First we imported the Cache class. An instance of this class can be used to cache things with a single redis server.
  2. We create one cache instance.
  3. We set and get things based on a key.

Build A Cache Cluster

A cache cluster use a redis cluster as backend.

from rc import CacheCluster

cache = CacheCluster({
    'cache01': {'host': 'redis-host01'},
    'cache02': {'host': 'redis-host02'},
    'cache03': {'host': 'redis-host03'},
    'cache04': {'host': 'redis-host04', 'db': 1},

Cache Decorator

def load(name, offset):
    return load_from_database(name, offset)

rv = load('name', offset=10)

Batch Fetch Multiple Cache Results

assert cache.get_many('key', 'foo') == ['value', None]

# for cache decorated function
def cached_func(param):
    return param

results = []
# with the context manager, the function
# is executed and return a promise
with cache.batch_mode():
    for i in range(10):
for i, rv in enumerate(results):
    assert rv.value == i

Cache Invalidation

# for decorated function
cache.invalidate(load, 'name', offset=10)