Cache Cluster Config

This page gives you introductions on how to create a CacheCluster instance.

Basic Config

Simple demo:

from rc import CacheCluster

cache = CacheCluster({
    0: {'host': 'redis-host-01'},
    1: {'host': 'redis-host-02', 'port': 6479},
    2: {'unix_socket_path': '/tmp/redis.sock'},
    3: {'host': 'redis-host-03', 'db': 1},

Basically hosts is just one dictionary that maps host name to parameters which are taken by HostConfig, excluding host_name.

Just like Cache, you can specify your own customized serializer_cls, you can change default expiration time to any length you want, you can set a namespace for this cache instance, for more details, check out CacheCluster.

Redis Connection Pool Config

By default we use ConnectionPool, specify your own connection pool class and options using parameters called pool_cls and pool_options.

Redis Router Config

By default we use RedisCRC32HashRouter, specify your own router class and options using parameters called router_cls and router_options. For more routers, check out Redis Cluster Router.

Concurrency Config

For operations on multiple keys like get_many, set_many and delete_many, we execute them in parallel. Under the hood, we does the parallel query using a select loop(select/poll/kqueue/epoll). Mostly, if we are using several remote redis servers, we achieve higher performance. You can specify max_concurrency and poller_timeout to control maximum concurrency and timeout for poller.